Let There Be Joy - Day 8
The Resolve of Your Heart
Mary, the very young, chosen mother of Jesus, utters one of the most courageous statements in all of Scripture. In response to the announcement of the angel that Mary’s world had just been interrupted with heaven’s plan, Mary clearly said, “Behold the bondslave of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.” - (Luke 1:38)
A “bondslave” was someone who could have gone free but instead chose to stay and serve his or her master. Mary willingly chose to offer temporary housing to the Savior of the world because that was God’s desire. When her world collided with God’s ultimate desire, Mary died to self and submitted to God the Father.
When was the last time that you quoted Luke 1:38? Has God asked something difficult of you lately? How have you responded? Have you said, “Behold the bondslave of the Lord, may it be done to me according to Your word.”
When God requires one of His children to lay down their will and their way for His best plan, often there is a struggle of the human will. Unfortunately, rather than respond with the maturity and wisdom of the young Mary, many of us whine and complain. Some of us even may have the audacity to question whether or not God even knows what He is doing.
What has God asked of you? Has He asked you to love a difficult person? Perhaps He has asked you to raise a special needs child or serve an uncaring boss. God is looking for bondslaves: men and women who are willing to serve Him out of love. God is looking for those who willingly submit to His ways and plans simply because their heart completely belongs to Him. God desires men and women who will allow Him to interrupt their perfectly planned lives with His unbelievable and miraculous plans! It’s called being a bondslave.
Mary’s pure heart and true resolve are revealed through the final words of her statement, “ ... May it be done to me according to your word.” Is that the resolve of your heart as well? When your will comes into conflict with God’s Word, God’s Word must win at all cost. Like Mary, settle this issue of human will and the authority of God’s Word today. I declare, with Mary, that in my life, it will always be done according to His Word because I am His bondslave.
Bible Reading: (click on the Scripture reference to open in reader)
Let There Be Joy In Me:
What is the hardest thing that God has ever asked of you? How have you responded?
What does it mean to respond as a “bondslave”? What are some of the heart attitudes that a “bondslave” would embrace?