What? Love an Ugly Soul?
From Guest Blogger, Christy Christopher: To the degree that I can accept the embrace of God’s love will be the degree that I will be able to distribute it to another “undeserving” soul.
God’s Way is Through
From Guest Blogger, Michelle Bengtson: As I’ve spent some time pondering some of the recent storms of life, I’ve learned a few lessons, including the fact that we are meant to go through the storms of life—not camp out there.
My Top 10 Books of 2023
Looking for something new to read in 2024? Here’s a list of my favorite reads from the past year.
Christmas Is All About You!
You may have heard the Christmas story a thousand times, but do you believe it? Do you believe the Christmas story in the deepest part of who you are? Have you embraced this historic account of an astounding miracle as reality and truth? Or have you filed it away under “Christmas fantasy” along with magical bags of toys and elves?
When Christmas Looks Different
Guest Blog from Susan Myers: The typical anticipatory thrill and celebratory excitement I would normally feel this time of year has been replaced by a quiet kind of reflective solitude. As the days get shorter and shorter, and we experience so much darkness, I find my heart searching even more fervently for the light.
The Beauty of Another Birthday
It’s my birthday tomorrow … and I couldn’t wait to tell you about it! Now … I am not telling you so that you can buy me a gift or send me a card … that’s not the reason at all. I am telling you it is my birthday because I want to give you a gift!
Let There Be Joy
I am breathless and humbled with the realization that, like Mary, I have been chosen to carry the Christ-child to my lonely world. I am filled with the awe and wonder of the shepherds, that the joy of heaven would explode into the darkness of planet earth. I humbly join in worship with the Magi as I, too, am invited to bow before the Infant King and give Him the gift of my heart.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
Father, on this Thanksgiving Day 2023, we come to You and give You thanks. Our hearts have turned from the hardships of this year to the sweetness of Your presence…
Change Your Life with 5 Simple Words
I have discovered just 5 words that are able to stabilize my emotions … clear away all discouragement … and even renew my focus.
Until Further Notice
Are your days quickly passing by in a meaningless blur of busyness … restless sleep patterns … planning for the next meal … paying bills that have skyrocketed … and just merely existing from one mundane task to the next?
3 Powerful Truths to Remember When You're Offended
Have you ever been offended by someone and then overreacted emotionally? Has someone ever gotten on your very last nerve … and then you have let this incompetent person know about their thoughtless behavior with sharp words or with a cold attitude? How do you handle daily offenses?
Taming the Tongue
Do you ever wish you could hit the “rewind” button on words that you have thoughtlessly spoken? Of course, you have! If you are still living and breathing … and are still interacting with people both large and small … then certainly your tongue has said things that are probably unnecessary … likely unkind … and most certainly sarcastic. Of course, it has! I have found time and time again that my tongue needs boundaries.
How to Pray for Israel
I am hearing from friends in Israel ... most are currently safe ... while knowing of friends and family members who have been injured or taken hostage. One of my Israeli friends said in an audio message, "We are hanging on ... things will get better ... we will overcome ... but the last 24 hours were very hard ... everyone knows of a loved one or friend who has lost someone."
Hope for Grace
God’s grace can be trusted, and his gifts are always good—even if they’re not exactly what we had in mind. When we cry out for the easy way out, God’s got bigger, better, holier things in mind.
The Value of a Single Word
Words. Words can rain down refreshing drops of water causing vibrant growth … and then they develop a glorious harvest where formerly there only dying dreams and yesterday’s unfulfilled hopes. Words can strengthen the mortal soul. Words have the exciting capacity to deposit health in diseased attitudes and minds. Words have the tenacity to stir up renewed vision in a discouraged heart that was only capable of sorrowfully looking back toward the unchanging past. Words change lives … words restore … words inspire … words revive … words celebrate!
I heard a quote recently that has nestled deeply within my heart …"I’m not anxious to die. I’m just anxious to matter." I think that we all feel a little bit like that, don’t we?