How Big is Your God?
From Guest Blogger Dr. Nancy Meyer: My grandson has a special way of reminding me of what really matters in life. Today was yet another example of his profound perspective, seen through the innocent eyes of a child.
3 Tips To Move Beyond Your Loneliness
From Guest Blogger Becky Harling: Several years ago I met with a woman who told me, “Becky, I’m so lonely. Why can’t I find a church who has the kind of groups I am looking for?” Long after I met and prayed with this woman, I thought about her question.
The Brain Change Program: Healing Anxiety Through Stories
From Guest Blogger Dr. Alan Weisennbacher: The paths in the brain we use most often become highways that the brain takes automatically whenever life throws us a curveball. So, I have some large highways for worry that the brain likes to travel. I know telling myself to “stop worrying” does not work. That still puts the word “worry” in my brain, and that strengthens the worry highway, making things even harder on myself. I need to change my focus!
Scoop of Perfection: Mastering the Art of Vanilla Ice Cream
From Guest Blogger Suzanne Woods Fisher: Here’s the scoop: mastering vanilla is key because it’s the foundation for almost every other flavor. But getting it just right is tough. Vanilla is so straightforward that there’s nothing to hide behind; any little mistake is obvious. Other flavors might let you slide on a minor goof, but vanilla is all about the details.
We Are The Sabbath People
From Guest Blogger Emily T. Wierenga: But what would it look like for the church in all her brokenness to be full of Sabbath people now? I want to wear Sunday every day and invite the hurting and hungry into light, rest, laughter, and music.
The Heart of the Father: An Excerpt from Overflowing
An Excerpt from Overflowing: The Father enthusiastically gave to Jesus the fullness of His power. It never ceases to amaze me that this one intentional decision brought pleasure to God. As I have prayed over this passage, wondered over it, and wrestled with it, there has been a relentless question that has utterly consumed me: Why was it the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness of the Godhead to dwell in Jesus?
Solving the Mystery: An Excerpt from Overflowing
An Excerpt from Overflowing: A mystery is something that needs either solving or explaining, and I like all my books to follow a sweet pathway strewn with roses, music, and laughter. There is, however, one mystery that makes my heart quake for joy and my eyes shine wide with wonder…
The Big “If”: An Excerpt from Overflowing
An Excerpt from Overflowing: I’ve never really liked the word if. It’s a wishy-washy word and yet certain issues in life seem to depend upon its instability. Let me explain my internal obstinacy to this perfectly conditional word.
More Than Music: An Excerpt from Overflowing
An Excerpt from Overflowing: Through the words of Scripture, we will experience a worship service typical of a first-century gathering. The verses we will embark upon today are the actual lyrics to one of the most popular hymns during this time period.
The Coming Ruin
From Guest Blogger Cally Logan: Does your heart ache for something fiercely? Do you feel without the fulfillment of that desire you are floating down the river of life with a single, weathered paddle? Do you feel in a status of lack?
What’s Your Super Power? An Excerpt from Overflowing
An Excerpt from Overflowing: The word Paul selected was the word “dynamis” from which we extract the English word, “dynamite”. Paul believed the power given from heaven’s unlimited resources should enable believers in every epoch to blow up earthly systems and decimate a compromised culture.
Carefully & Lovingly Planted
What do you intend to grow in that fertile ground that is known as “you”? I determined long ago that the character stakes planted in the open ground of my life would be labeled “integrity” and “kindness”.
One woman, who clings to Jesus, can make a difference!
I pray that by your godly behavior … by your words and by your actions … by the way you treat others … that you will leave a legacy that shouts, “One woman, who clings to Jesus, can make a difference that will leave ripples in the pool of eternity!”
We are All Waiting for Something
From Guest Blogger Cally Logan: Does your heart ache for something fiercely? Do you feel without the fulfillment of that desire you are floating down the river of life with a single, weathered paddle? Do you feel in a status of lack?
What’s Your Addiction?
Addictions. We all have them. Some additions are healthy … some are benign … while others are devastatingly harmful. Have I lost you already? Let me explain.
Early each morning, I breathe in the whisper of the Holy Spirit on the sacred pages of scripture. During these quiet but significant moments, I am introduced to men and women who have become more real to me than my visible surroundings. As I ponder these heroes and heroines of the faith, I can’t help but choose favorites, can you? Just as a dearly loved friend enters my heart and becomes a kindred spirit, so do these warriors of the faith whom I can’t wait to meet some glorious day!