Voting Is Akin to Boarding a City Bus
This is an interesting year politically, isn’t it? We have all been confused and even offended by rhetoric, by name-calling, by division, and by deceit. I hardly know what to believe anymore. I have determined not to talk about the specifics of politics on social media or in a public forum. However, let me tell you in general what I have decided.
We Pray Because of the Battle
From Guest Blogger Tami Hulse: When we pray, we are not trying to persuade God to join us in our service for Him; prayer is the activity of joining God in His ministry.
Faith, Hope, & Love
Ever since I was a little girl with blonde ringlets cascading down my back and sitting in Mrs. Dombrowski’s first grade classroom, I have loved words. I can’t exactly explain it … but at that inexperienced age of 6 years old … I knew that words held power.
Linger at the Altar
I intend to cross my finish line sweaty, not rusty, as I continue to teach the Word of God and encourage my generation with the joy of His presence. The goal of my life is to make hell smaller and heaven bigger. I will not be quiet; I will not pause and I will not be distracted from this call.
The Ripples of Christmas
It is October 1! Do you know what that means?! Let me explain …My name is Carol and I love Christmas more than chocolate … more than shopping … and more than the beach.
A Slave Woman, a Basket, and the God Who Is Able
From Guest Blogger Barbara Wright: Baskets brimming with the last offerings from our summer gardens are one of the most beautiful harbingers of Fall. We feel it in the air- Thanksgiving is just around the corner...
Live Today Like Your Life Matters…Because It Does!
We have all been created on purpose … with purpose … and for purpose. Why is it then that so few of us actually live in that sweet spot of God-given purpose? Why is it that we are content to settle for mediocrity, for half-a-life, for busyness rather than for usefulness?
Home Is Where Your Story Begins
I have a sweet, small decorative pillow that sits proudly on my guest bedroom bed. This darling stuffed piece of fabric announces winsomely, “Home is Where Your Story Begins!”.
Suffering Is Never for Nothing
If I am required to once again walk the lonely road of suffering and grief … I will walk it with joy knowing that it leads me to something extraordinarily good.
From Guest Blogger Christy Christopher: It is possible to love the Lord with all your heart, fear Him and walk in His ways, yet suddenly find yourself catapulted into deep trouble and darkness.
And She Lived Victoriously and Joyfully Ever After!
I never have had a better idea than God. Never. Not in over 6 decades of living have I found myself even one time to be as smart as or as wise as my Father.
Rather than remaining in a place of penetrating disappointment, know that because of the power and love of God, nothing this side of heaven has the capacity to “dis”-appoint you. You have been eternally and unflinchingly appointed for His purposes and His plans.
Early each morning, I breathe in the whisper of the Holy Spirit on the sacred pages of scripture. During these quiet but significant moments, I am introduced to men and women who have become more real to me than my visible surroundings. As I ponder these heroes and heroines of the faith, I can’t help but choose favorites, can you? Just as a dearly loved friend enters my heart and becomes a kindred spirit, so do these warriors of the faith whom I can’t wait to meet some glorious day!